A LOT has happened in the last couple of months. Some ups and some downs...but that's life, huh?
Anyways, I'm sitting here at the bf's place, listening to him derp in frustration over stuff in Tera. lol So, I decided to update with some shenanigans. (Though, I'll most likely be back home by the time this gets published. 05/19/13 :P)

Now, I get to play the waiting game. There's still a few things that I need to get before I can get my license. Things like, approval of my live scan, my high school transcript, and one more thing that I can't quite remember the name of...a self query? Something like that. Anyways, alllmost there. Once I get my license, I'm hoping to get a job working in a hospital. I did my externship in retail...and TBH....nope. I don't want to work retail. I've also asked around and have always heard that hospital is better (ie. better benefits, no need to deal with pushy customers, you're in and you're out).
I'll also have to start studying for the national certification test. Ugghhh. Tests. Uggghhhhhhhhh. Kinda meh about having to pay for study guides, but it'll all be worth it.

I celebrated getting my certificate with a mini-vacay. I spent a nice weekend with my boyfriend. <3 On Friday night, we went and saw the new Star Trek movie. It was definitely good. I've always been a fan of great fight choreography (I grew up watching a lot of martial arts films) and this movie has some pretty snazzy shizzle.
Saturday night was Hammer Improv night. They have a show every month at the Third Street Theatre in Los Angeles. You guys should definitely check it out if you're near/around/in the area! Also, 'like' their facebook page. :) Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em: Improv Comedy
Sunday was a lazy day. Just some tv watching, internet derping, and me trying stop being lazy enough to drive home.
It was a welcome getaway. (✿◠‿◠)

Last month, well, it was hard. We lost my grandpa. It was a long struggle for him, as he'd been in and out of the hospital for a few years. I'm glad that he's no longer suffering.
Rest In Peace Grandpa <3
We weren't really close, but that doesn't matter. It's always hard to lose someone you know and love. Thankfully, my family has a lot of good people around us for support. Y'know, it's still kind of surreal to me. I know that he's gone, but part of me still has a hard time believing it. :\

On a lighter note, I went to an open casting call in San Diego. It was a background acting call for Anchorman 2.
HOOOOOO~LY CRAP. There were so many people!! It was ridiculous. I'm not from the area, but a friend of mine who is said that the casting call had been broadcast EVERYWHERE in San Diego. Everywhereeeee. All over the radio, local tv, concerts, and even games. It's no wonder the turnout was that massive. The company doing the casting (Central Casting) said that they had about 2,000+ applications and they RAN OUT. The call didn't even start until around 11AM and some people had been camping out since 6AM. Seriously. Y'all cray. lol

This isn't even close to 1/8th of the line...I should've done a panorama pic.
There were a lot of interesting people there...some good, some bad. There were also a few news crews out. Not all of them were legit, though. haha
I got interviewed by someone because I was the last person in line for, like, 2 seconds. lol She asked me dumb questions about a station that I've never even heard of. I didn't sign anything that would allow them to air anything, but whatever. One of my friends said that I should've told them that my agent won't allow me to answer their questions. hahahahaha If only I actually had an agent. XD;
After those shenanigans, my friend Mzhollywood, took my carpool buddy and me out on a carbtastic adventure to a place called....TORPASTA.
You guys don't even know. I crave this place's food so bad. lol
It's a freaking sub with pasta stuffed inside. I don't even remember what the one I got was called, but it was fabulous. The people who work there are super nice, too.
This was my beautiful order. I was mentally drooling so bad editing this picture.
This is what they do with the bread cores. Taaaastey.
There. Another place for you all to check out! They've also got a deal for yelpers! Check-in and you get a dollah off your meal. Hollaaaaaa! lol
Here are a couple of interior shots. It's a nice, clean place.

I, recently, started playing Tera: Rising since it's free to play. I really like it so far. It's beautiful! I don't care that the girls are all pretty scantily clad. TBH, I like the designs. Though lacking in coverage, they're not lacking in detail. Well, they do lack detail in the beginning stages, but higher level toons have some amazing looking gear. Right now, I've got a lvl 28 slayer and a lvl 17 (I think it's 17? lol) sorcerer. It's very different from any other mmorpg that I've played...not that I've played many. haha
This is Raniah, my Castanic slayer.
This is Saelfara, my Elin sorcerer.
She's so kawaii. I can't handle it.

I've been meaning to take pictures for my next lens review, but my face has just been so bad lately! I'm having some really bad breakouts and I can't pinpoint the problem. (; ^;) So, I'm just doing my best to deal with it. I could always photoshop my blemishes out for the pictures, but I can't photoshop real life. It's really affecting my confidence and because of it, I don't even want to try putting on makeup. ahhhh This will, hopefully, pass.
Anywho, thanks for reading up on my shenanigans. Until next time. :)
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