Last Saturday (June 1st), was International Lolita Day! /cheers It's been a long while since I last participated in Loliday...I think the last might've been in 2008...hehe. Anyways, it was fun for the most part.
Pictures, ahoy!

My coordinate:
JSK, Blouse, Socks: Angelic Pretty
Bag: Bodyline
Parasol: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Pearl necklace: handmade
Parfait necklace: CatNapCaps
Rings: offbrand
Bangle: Forever21
Earrings: Claire's
Music bracelet: Metamorphose

The morning started out like any other morning, with the intention of getting up earlier than I actually did. In this case, I meant to get up around 6 and ended up doing so a little over an hour later. ^^;; I got ready and out the door as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, I hadn't accounted for early morning traffic along the 91 freeway. So, instead of making it to my friend's house around 10-10:30, I got there 11:30. My bad. D: Thankfully, she wasn't quite ready to go I felt less bad. hahaha
On the left, I was excited and just about to leave my driveway.
On the right, I'd already been sitting in stop and go traffic for 1.5 hours. You know what's fun? Rocking out in your car, in full lolita and watching as people gawk at you. :3
Well, when we were finally set to go, my friend alerted our other friend that we were on our way to pick her up. Carpooling is awesome. Got her and set out on our glorious adventure to San Diego.
800 years later...
LOL. Nah, but it did take a LONG time to get there. We were in traffic for over 2 hours and got to the meetup around 3. Thankfully, we were welcomed with open arms and most, if not all, of the people were still there. <3 The meetup took place at the beautiful Balboa Park near the Koi Pond. There was a lot of food and most of the group were at the carousel.
Apparently, before we arrived, they had played a game that involved kissing a unicorn balloon. hahaha
When they came back, started voting for the outfit contest. The theme was Fairy Tales.
The contestants.
Some of the rest of the group that didn't participate in the contest. I didn't either. lol I wish that I had thought of something, but none of my clothes fit into any fairy tale category. Also, I hadn't decided on what to wear until the night before. lol
Homegurl blinked, so I put a bow on her. Looks like awesome sunglasses. lol
Votes were tallied and the winners were...drumroll....
Christine (of Christine de la Creme) and Melissa! Here they are opening their prizes. I'm not sure what they got, but I know that one of them got a headbow. :)

☆Individual Snaps☆
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get snaps of everyone. :( Everyone looked super cute! Ohhh well.

After I took pictures, I was recruited to for a small photoshoot with our friend Brian.

Here are some photos from the end of the meet.
They found a duck and decided that they wanted to touch it. haha
Christine de la Creme and me <3
Mary (the director of many awesome upcoming projects) and me <3
Random bunny we spotted while chatting.

I wish that I'd taken more pictures, but I'm fairly satisfied with what I brought back. Everyone looked great and it was fun to hang out again! I love hanging out with the San Diego lolitas. Though, I've only seen them twice now, they're always very welcoming and they actually remember me. hahaha I'm surprised by that. ^^; I hope to see them all again soon. <3
what a cute bunny!!! <3