Recently, I've started looking to use more all natural, DIY beauty treatments. There are a lot of benefits to using DIY treatments. Benefits like, knowing exactly what it's made of (cause, duh, you made it lol), the ingredients are fairly inexpensive, and it's actually kind of fun. There are others, but this is off the top of my, unfocused, head. (I've got LCS playing in the background ahaha).
Anyways, I thought it would be nice to share my experiences with you all. :)

For my first DIY Experiment, I tried an avocado hair mask. I found the recipe here:
My scalp and hair have been weirdly dry, as of late. So, I googled some solutions and found this. I decided to try this out because of it's hydrating properties.
There are a lot of different ones, but I picked this one because it had the least amount of ingredients. haha Just an avocado and olive oil, with optional honey. :)
1. Gather your stuff (in season avocados ftw!)
2. Cut open your avocado

3. Scoop out the avocado guts and mash it into a pulp. lol Seriously, though, do a better job than I did. Smoosh that thing into a paste. I didn't and immediately regretted it when I started applying it onto my head.

4. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil (EVOO) and an optional tablespoon of honey.

5. Mix well.
6. Apply to noggin.

See all of those bits of avocado in my hair. I'm pretty sure that's not what you want. I didn't look back at the recipe to see what the consistency of the mask should be...Oh well. Lesson learned. lol
6. Put on a shower cap that you don't care about, or wrap your head in cling wrap.
7. Leave the mask on for 20-30 mintues.
8. Shower and shampoo as normal.
That's it! Simple, right? Unfortunately, because I didn't beat the avocado into oblivion, even shampooing twice didn't save me from this...
I was still picking out little bits of pulp from my hair for a couple of hours. Even brushing my hair didn't help much. ^^;;;

...and that, folks, is my experience with the avocado hair mask! Yaaaaay.
There's a few things that I could've/would've/should've done differently, but I don't think that I'll be trying this particular hair mask again any time soon. Honestly, my hair did feel a bit softer, buuuuuut I don't think that all of this effort was worth it. :\
TTFN, Ta-ta for now! <3
Love the hair softening benefit, but I'm scared avocado bits will cling to my hair forever. T__T Thank you for the experiment post! C:
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