Monday, March 18, 2013

HoneyColor: Geo Angel Grey CM-835 Circle Lenses Review

Hello Lovelies, 
Here's the review I promised of the second pair of lenses that I ordered from HoneyColor. :)

Geo Angel Grey CM-835

Base Curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.2 mm
Water Content: 38%
1 year disposable

Angel Greys were one of the first pair of lenses that I wore often, outside of cosplay. Now that I think about it, they were the first pair that I bought NOT for cosplay. lol Derp. Anyways, I loved the way they made my eyes look! Then, the year was up and I never bothered to replace them...until now. (≧▽≦)
Size comparison
Both lenses worn with no eye makeup

They're labeled as grey, but they're really dark. Like, on a shade scale, they're a 70-80% grey...almost black. So, if you're looking for something lighter, I wouldn't suggest these. If you're looking for something close to black lenses, but are fearful of the way that actual black circle lenses look? Why not try these? ( ・ω・) 
Indoor/bathroom lighting
Window lighting (my skin looks pretty terrible here...OTL)
With flash
 Derpy phone pics

The design is simple, but bold. Comfort? These, I find, are more comfortable than the Fresh Browns.



  1. So adorable, too cute for words.

    How about following each other? Let me know on my blog!


  2. Haha!! That is one really cute lens case! :)
