Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas/ALA

Merry Christmas, everyone! ( ・∀・)ノ

I hope that you're all enjoying your holidays.
I've been so fortunate this year and I couldn't ask for anything more. Things have been going so well, compared to the last couple of years, and I really hope for everything to continue going well. (I probably jinxed it, didn't I? OTL) This year, my Dad is able to join us for Christmas and it's so nice having him home. I've also got a really amazing boyfriend that's just as nerdy as I am.


I did some Christmas themed nails a couple of days ago. I probably should've cleaned up the cuticles before taking a picture, but I wanted to take a picture before I messed it up. Does anyone else have that problem? I always end up doing something stupid, to mess up my nail polish, while it's drying.

-There are less than 2 weeks before ALA.
-I have only one costume that I need to work on.
-It's a really simple costume.
-...I have no motivation to do anything cosplay related. #lazycosplayers

I'm working on Aoi Asahina from Dangan Ronpa.

(You can find more info on the game here: >> Dangan Ronpa (ダンガンロンパ) <<)

Everything about this costume is relatively easy. It's just the wig that I'm going to have trouble with. I've already got it, a dark brown (056) Jeannie from Arda Wigs. Right now, I'm just waiting for my lenses. I really hate waiting for international packages, but that's what I get for standard shipping. I'll be doing a review on the lenses as soon as I get them.

I'm sure that I'll get my ass in gear later this week. For now, I'm just going to try to not think about it. 

Here's my lineup for ALA: 
Aoi Asahina - Dangan Ronpa
Gumi (Happy Synthesizer) - Vocaloid
Frilly Lolita fashion business

I don't have any set days for these, except for Aoi. I'll be running around with a DR group on Saturday.ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ I'm really excited just to see my friends again. We all live pretty far apart, the farthest friend is coming down from Canada. It should be a pretty good weekend. 

A friend of mine launched a blog of her own, recently. Check it out if you get a chance!
Isn't that the coolest blog name ever?! Seriously. If you're into gaming, sewing/DIY, food, and great fashion finds, she's got it there. 

That's it for now.
 Happy holidays everyone! Take care and be safe!

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