Friday, September 13, 2013

Shenanigans #5 The Post PAX Edition [DAY 0]

Hellooooo, Internet. :3
Well, PAX Prime 2013 has come and gone. I can, honestly, say that I had a good time this year despite all of the recently accumulated drama surrounding the con. (If you've no idea what I'm talking about, you can refer to this well-written article on WIRED. Why I'm Never Going Back to Penny Arcade Expo)

Good stuff:
Free swag/loot/booty
Amazing cosplay

Meh Stuff:
Less free stuff than previous years
Harder to get said free stuff (ie. you need to pre-order or wait in long lines to play the demo)
Con funk on Day 1

haha There wasn't anything bad about the con, from my experience. Good friends will always make your experience a thousand times more entertaining.